Welcome to the Function and Form Blog

Here it is, Since we are too lazy to update our site half the time(we are not webmasters, are even web-rookies), we thought this would be a little more interactive and fun. So here we go, with a page where we can have a little fun, show new products, cars we like, cars rocking our suspension, and vent on certain things. Please forgive us in advance for our wreckless behavior and crazyness on this page at times.

-Preston "P-World"

Friday, December 28, 2007

BMW E46 Function/Form x Europrojektz SouthEast = 2008

A picture is worth a thousand words(thanks to OSS/Luis/Alfonso)...... Stay tuned.

Super Street Feb 08 x Fred Chapmans EK x Function/Form

Congrats Freddie!!!

Reppin the notorious ATS Garage x Redzone x Function and Form x Weksos

You have a awesome team behind you *pops our collars for our role*. And one of the most humble and positive and coolest guys we have worked with. You deserve it homie!!

*Sorry for the crappy pics, i think we stole them from Rudy with the RSX..lol*

Go pick up this issue of SUPER STREET NOW!!!!!! support the homie and us of course! (dont try to save the pics. zoom in and read the article u cheap bastards)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Pictures are worth a thousand words. And thanks to OSS for the pics, and Europrojektz SouthEast for believing in Function and Form, for there suspension needs, and to "lay low"

Both cars equipped on prototype Type II suspensions. Coming soon .....VERY SOON!!
Shot out to Alfonso, Luis, and Antonio for all the support and making all of this happen! 08' is going to be exciting!